Author: alex

  • Photograph Grid (Galleries)

    Photograph Grid (Galleries)

    Photo Grid for WordPress is simple to use plugin that combines slider and gallery in a single product.


    • Responsive
    • Size adjustable
    • Supports multiple instances
    • Uses shortcode to display the front-end
    • jQuery driven


    • From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse
    • Pick the PhotoGrid archive file
    • Click “Install Now” button
    • Click Activate Now after the plugin has been installed
    • A new menu should now appear in your Admin Menu called “PhotoGrid”.

    Displaying the plugin on the front-end

    To display the plugin simply add the shortcode [photogrid] to the page or post.

    Shortcode Examples

    [photogrid album=1,2,3]
    [photogrid photo=1,2,3]
    [photogrid album=1,2,3 photo=1,2,3]
    [photogrid width=640 height=480]
    photogrid::enqueue_scripts(); // place before wp_head(); hook
    echo do_shortcode("[photogrid]"); // place where you want to display the html part
  • Remark Sparker web optimization for wordpress (web optimization)

    Remark Sparker web optimization for wordpress (web optimization)

    Comment Sparker is a finely tuned WordPress plugin that serves as a highly efficient and customized comment generator for your blog or website. This groundbreaking tool is designed specifically to give your site’s SEO and rankings a boost like no other WordPress plugin can provide. Simply download the plugin and let Comment Sparker do the work.

    Once configured, Comment Sparker can be left alone to do it’s thing. In no time at all your site will have a list of engaged authors all posting RELEVANT, ON TOPIC comments in response to whatever OUR blog posts are about. Comment Sparker will generate specific content basked on your keywords form YOUR specific posts.

    Comment Sparker integrates seamlessly with the following top tier content spinning services:

    Comment Sparker supports the following languages:
    » English
    » French
    » German
    » Italian
    » Spanish
    » Thai

    In less than 2 minutes of your time, you can have Comment Sparker up and running seamlessly on your WordPress powered blog.

  • NuvuScroll For WP – Contact Enabled (Galleries)

    NuvuScroll For WP – Contact Enabled (Galleries)

    NuvuScroll For WordPress – Touch Enabled Scrolling Gallery


    • Add unlimited amount of images.
    • Link images to pages or file.
    • Scroll left and right through the gallery
    • MouseWheel and Arrow Key activation.
    • Custom prettyPhoto lightboxed images.
    • li> Swipe enabled – swipe left and right on touch enabled devices to move the scroll

    Uses basic HTML to set up the gallery. I provide the code to copy and paste into your page and you just insert your images inside it.
    See the demo page to see the code used.

  • wordpress WDF*IDF search engine optimization Calculator (search engine marketing)

    wordpress WDF*IDF search engine optimization Calculator (search engine marketing)

    With the WDFIDF Top Ten Calculator wordpress Plugin you can optimize your texts for search engines according to the latest rules. Keyword-Density was yesterday! Get better rankings by adjusting your WDFIDF using this plugin.

    This plugin is very simple and intuitive to use. It analyzes your text to the specified keyword and to determine the top 10 rankings of google. In the next step the plugin crawl the 10 most frequent keywords on every page of the google top 10 and analyzed this set of hand WDF * IDF formula in relation to the own content.

    User: demo
    Password: demo

    – Graphic representation of maximum, average and private value
    – Evaluation of up to 60 words
    – Representation of the top 10 ranked sites in comparison to your own page
    – Includes existing stopword list
    – Add your own stopwords

    The plugin checks important SEO criteria. Just imagine you have a text you want to publish and you are not sure if it is optimized for the search engines. Instead of using other tools, it is the easiest and fastest way for you to check your post or your page with this plugin. You only need to know your keyword(s) you want to rank for.

    How to use the plugin

    – Create a post or page. Going to Settings / WDF * IDF Top 10 calculator you can specify for which types of content the plugin should be active. You can also set which google domain to be used for the query.

    – Under the text editor to see the options for the plugin. If you do not see this, enable the options by ticking the box for “Show on screen” for WDF * IDF Top 10 calculator.

    – Enter the word (main keyword) that you want to analyze and click on “check WDF * IDF.” Please wait for about 10-15 seconds.

    – After this short delay, the graphics appear.

    – Now you see the IDF * WDF values for the defined words and terms that appear on the top 10 pages

    – By clicking on the labels of the graphs in the legend you can show or hide them.

    – If you edit your text, the post or the page must not be updated, clicking on “check WDF * IDF” is enough to update the values

    Supported Searchengines:

    Please note:
    Your opinion really does matter to us so don’t forget to rate (5 Stars) this plugin!

  • jQuery Fb Gallery WordPress (Galleries)

    jQuery Fb Gallery WordPress (Galleries)


    The jQuery Facebook Gallery WP plugin allows you to show all your Facebook albums (images) on your website. Please note that this script will only work with Facebook pages that belong to businesses or organization or pages that are registered as fan pages. It will NOT work with personal Facebook profiles. Also, please make sure that the Facebook page you want to use has no active age restrictions since these restrictions require authentication and access tokens for each user. This script is a pure javascript/jQuery solution and does not require a PHP server.

    This is the WordPress version of the “jQuery Facebook Gallery” script. If you are looking for the standalone version, please click here.

    If you like this plugin, please take the time to rate it. Thank you!

    You can create an unlimited number of Galleries, each utilizing a different Facebook profile. Each Gallery will be assigned an unique Shortcode that you can embed in your page.


    • 160+ different settings to enable or disable included features; full admin panel for all options
    • Either pull all albums (but exclude the ones you don’t want), predefine the albums you want to be shown or show one single album directly
    • Pagination Feature (smart pagination, set number of thumbnails per page, set number of pages or no pagination)
    • LazyLoad Feature for thumbnails (will only load images when thumbnails are in view)
    • Social share feature for Facebook, Twitter and Google+
    • Includes a tool-tip plugin (qTip2) with several design options; although it is possible to use your own tool-tip solution
    • Includes three optional lightbox plugins (fancyBox, colorBox and prettyPhoto); although it is possible to user other lightbox solutions
    • Exclude individual images from being shown
    • Automatically include or exclude the Timeline album
    • Possible to translate it into any other language by using provided setting parameters
    • Select between a responsive (fluid width) or static layout (fixed width)
    • Optional two-directional (asc. / desc.) album sorting feature (name / number of images / date album created / date album last updated)
    • Smart filter option to filter albums and photos by age groups
    • Search Feature to search for albums by keywords
    • Set initial sorting direction and sorting criteria
    • Option for floating control bar that follows the user while scrolling through the album selection
    • Option to show dates in “from now” format (i.e. “2 days ago”) instead of standard date format
    • Automatic Updates via “WordPress Updates”
    • Optional logs (in console) for better debugging (i.e. number of albums or photes retrieved, error codes, etc.)
    • No requirement for creating a Facebook App via your Facebook Profile

    Full Admin Panel for All Settings

    The plugin provides you with an extensive admin panel to control all of the 160 different settings the gallery allows for.

    Included CSS Editor

    The plugin / gallery comes with its own CSS styles, but sometimes, these don’t exactly match your theme or your theme’s CSS is overriding some of the plugin styles. If that’s the case, the plugin provides you with an included CSS Editor to enter your own CSS styles.

    Included JS Editor

    While the plugin / gallery comes with three included Lightbox Extensions (Fancybox, ColorBox and PrettyPhoto) and a Tooltip Extension (qTip2), you can use your own Lightbox / Tooltip Extensions. The gallery assigns specific class names to all items that contain lightbox or tooltip content (you can even assign a custom Class Name), which you can target when you call your own Extensions. In order to do so, the plugin also provides an internal JS Editor where you can enter your code to initialize your Lightbox / Tooltip solutions.


    Flag Counter


    10/11/2013 - Update
    • Added Tool to fetch numeric Facebook ID based on Link or User Name
    • Added new and improved validation for plugin and gallery settings
    • Added Scroll-To-Top Button for Admin Panel
    • Added Sorting, Search and Pagination Feature to Backend Admin Table that shows all Galleries
    • Added feature to store Facebook APP Data to create Access Token for private/restricted pages
    • Added option to disable the spinner animation while waiting for image load
    • Added option to load Metafizzy Isotope Customization File
    • Fixed colorBox Lightbox sometime not scaling images to screen size
    • Changes to CSS settings to prevent share icons from being hidden by other CSS files
    • Fixed some errors where Admin Panel does not correctly reflect some stored settings
    • Fixed some wrong label descriptions and duplicate IDs
    • Added option to toggle Album Info section
    • Other JS and CSS Improvements
    09/05/2013 - Initial Release
  • WordPress Easiest Ranker (web optimization)

    WordPress Easiest Ranker (web optimization)

    Open a Support Ticket
    Video Demo


    • Install and Setup which will take few minutes then forget
    • It will be publish fresh content for you in background
    • Can Pull Full Content with image and other content from RSS Feed in a schedule
    • Can Spin Content Manually or Autometically using spinrewriter API
    • Can Create Keyword to Hyperlink text
    • Can Comment as visitor in a schedule with real ip
    • Can Change all link in the post to defined link with celo silo structure
    • Can Add Social Button into post footer
    • It can publish post using only keyword
    • More, more ,more…..

    There are six module-

    1. RSS Collector:

      This simple RSS Aggregator makes sure that you can populate whatever RSS content you desire in any amount and on your schedule. You simply pick your category, set it on your schedule and let it run in the background by collecting relevant, fresh, up to date content from the web.

      You can put in an unlimited amount of different RSS feeds with different categories as you like, there is no limit on that

    2. Article Collector:

      This powerful module allows you to pull content from an article directory (, based on any keyword that is entered, this is as easy as entering any keyword, the Plugin will then pull fresh relevant articles based on the keyword you entered, it also embeds relevant images automatically along with the article.

    3. Content Refiner:

      This feeds the Google Algorithm with the Unique Content that it needs by Scrambling and Spinning your site content and Automatically Protecting your keywords. It spins the text by adding relevant synonyms and phrases which makes it readable, and takes out all the manual work of you having to add in words yourself, you can literally spin unique readable content with just a few mouse clicks or Automatically .

    4. Comment Curator:

      Upload and schedule comments to drip out on your own sites at your own rate. This will add unique content to your pages, entice user interactivity, and improve your SEO efforts by making your posts and page content fresh and updated when crawled by Google, Yahoo, Bing etc

    5. Link Curator:

      It’s able to automatically change any external anchor text links that’s already on the RSS feeds/articles, which can be changed to the URL’s you put in link curator. If you have a post that already has 2 or 3 or more anchor text links on them which came from the RSS feed/articles, then you can have each anchor text link rotated with different URL’s you place on link curator.

    6. Social Syndicator:

      This new module allows you to get more social signal back links and more traffic to your site from sites such as Facebook, twitter, and google plus. Increases the chances of getting posts indexed more quickly and ranked more faster.

      You can make your site go viral by allowing other people to Facebook Like, Google+1 or Tweet about your posts.

    Video Of All Module

    -version: 1.0.8
    -- Updated for WordPress 3.6.1
    -version: 1.0.7
    -- Updated for WordPress 3.6
    -version: 1.0.6
    -- Added post in draft or publish mode.
    -version: 1.0.5
    --Added a feature of Protect Keyword
    -version: 1.0.4
    --Added Comment Remove Button
    -version: 1.0.3

  • Prism Supervisor (Galleries)

    Prism Supervisor (Galleries)

    Prism Portfolio

    Prism is a Fancy wordpress portfolio with animations. Info on this projects is displayed inside animated boxes that surround the main project. Every box can display four kind of info, default editor, custom editor, title, additional images or meta fields as list. Each box has his own settings to customize speed, background, padding, size, and if is an active box or not.

    View Image and lock button are optional and can be deactivated for each project.

    If you are familiarized with CSS, you could add extra rules on the “Custom CSS” field.

    Three available sizes (one-half, one-third, one-fourth)

    Here you can see how the project page looks.

  • Litemap (web optimization)

    Litemap (web optimization)

    Litemap is an incredibly light-weight on-site sitemap generator.

    Capable of paging hundreds of thousands of posts/pages, it gives you controls to list your blogs posts and/or pages alphabetically or by date published. Order ascending or descending.

    Choose how man items you want to show per-page, and the style of paging you require (either Prev/Next links or Page 1 2 3 etc).

    Finally, insert the shorttag [litemap] onto a page to show your sitemap.

    Perfect for deep linking and more effective indexation for your WordPress blog.

  • Behance Mission Feed Gallery (Galleries)

    Behance Mission Feed Gallery (Galleries)

    A very light-weight WordPress Plugin that will allow you to display a responsive image gallery of your Behance projects on any page or post using a simple shortcode.

    Use this plugin to dynamically keep your portfolio website up to date. When you add a Behance project, it will automatically show up on your website! Eliminate the need to manually update your portfolio website.

    Options Include:

    • Behance Username
    • Sort By (Featured Date, Appreciations, Views, Comments, and Published Date
    • Number of Projects to Show
    • Image Color (Full Color or Grayscale)

    We are looking for ways to improve this plugin, so send us your ideas!

  • Meta Tags Optimization – Write Optimized Meta Tags (search engine optimization)

    Meta Tags Optimization – Write Optimized Meta Tags (search engine optimization)

    What is Meta Tags Optimization

    Meta tags are series of words used by search engines in the process of finding useful information throughout a website or the category in which a website falls in. These tags are usually located on the main page’s source, between and html tags.

    Before starting the Meta Tags optimization process, it is important to make a list of all the tags needed for the website or a specific page on the site. By using a specific keyword in the Meta Title of a web page, the user is able to create a relevant title that can draw in readers via search engines. Moreover, the title is the main phrase retained by the browser’s bookmarks or social sites. Thus, it is important that a title can deliver meaningful information about the site or a specific page. While the title is important to be concise, the Meta Description is similar to a marketing session, in which the admin is supposed to inform the reader about the page’s content and if it is possible, to convince him to access it to the detriment of other available online pages.

    Why Choose Meta Tags Optimization Plugin

    As said before, Meta Tags optimization is important for any web page or website, as the search engines are using the descriptions and keywords to deliver relevant links to online users. The Meta Tags Optimization plugin advices the admin whether the page is optimized correctly, by highlighting with green and red colors the Meta Tags that are found on the page. While the plugin will not tell us what tags to add or eliminate, it will highlight with red the incorrect inputs. As for the professional expertise, the plugin has a link that enables the user to contact online SEO professionals at and consult with them about the daily issues, questions and problems.

    This plugin allows the administrator to make changes in titles, descriptions and keywords for each article or page they post online. Such a simple but very useful tool is Meta Tags Optimization, a plugin that enhances the SEO capabilities of WordPress and helps administrators and editors to fully optimize their pages and posts easier than ever.

    What you can do

    It was always a concern how to enter optimized meta tags for Posts/Pages and category pages. now it’s very easy using this plugin. You can add meta tags on posts/pages/categories page very easily and can update them anytime. On time of input, this plugin will let you know if you’re meta tags are correct or not according to rules of major search engines.

    How it Works

    This plugin lets you optimize meta tags for posts/pages by providing you clear instruction to repair your meta tags. Meta tags complied with a list of SEO rules to write meta title,meta keywords and meta description. If still you’re not able to write up optimized meta tags, you may contact with me by a single click, available on meta box screen. I’ll help you to guide you to write effective meta tags based on your page contents and targeted keywords.

    Thank in advance for purchasing this plugin. As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this plugin.

    For any help, feature request or to report a bug, you may contact me anytime And please rate this item as per your experience with it.

    Contact With SEO Consultant Now If any question