Author: alex

  • Creator Field – WP social / creator plugin (Social Networking)

    Creator Field – WP social / creator plugin (Social Networking)

    Author Box – WordPress social / author plugin

    All In One Author Box is a WordPress plugin designed for displaying social network widgets inside tabbed area located in your posts. Every author is allowed to share their own profiles and provide a better representation of themselves. With 4 designs to choose from, unlimited color schemes and other various customization options, you can create author box that best suits your needs.

    Integration with 9 most popular social web sites, makes All In One Author Box the best choice for you. Some of the main features for Author box include the ability for administrator to control (enable or disable) social tabs for individual users of the website and also users of the website have the ability to customize each author box on each post separately. The plugin is optimized for Google rich snippet. Author box allows you to order your tabs the way you want to and to choose which tabs to display. Author box has a flex CSS which means that it will look good on all resolutions on all mobile or desktop devices. We have included 4 different layouts in the download archive and we have documented the plugin with the necessary instructions starting from simple installation up to plugin settings and alterations that you are able to do. The color variations for all 4 versions are unlimited, you can play around with the colors until you find the design that is perfect for you.

    The support for All In One Author Box plugin is available every workday. Our support staff will be there to help you to bring out the best in this plugin and to modify it in the right direction in order to represent yourself in the right way.

    All in One Author Box Features

    • Admin can disable/enable networks for users separately
    • Settings can be customized for each post separately
    • Compatible with 9 social networks
    • 4 different layouts included
    • Fully editable color scheme for each layout
    • Optimized for Google rich snippet
    • Flex CSS design to suit your theme
    • Tab order can be changed
    • Excellent documentation

    Installation process

    • Download your purchased Author Box plugin
    • Open Plugins > Add new > Upload
    • Upload file
    • Go back to plugins and activate All In One Author Box

    Supported browsers

    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Opera
    • Safari
    • Internet Explorer 7
    • Internet Explorer 8
    • Internet Explorer 9
    • Internet Explorer 10

    Author Box admin settings

    At the admin side of your blog, you will find Author Box settings page. This page is viewable only by admin users. Author box styling settings and user permissions are controlled here

    • Choose author box layout (Top, Left, Clean top, Clean left)
    • You can toggle the opacity transition between social networks
    • Choose content background color, shadow color, tabs color, tabs shadow color, content text color, content links color

    Styling settings are global, meaning that the look of author box for every post is defined here. You can select one of four layouts, and choose colors for displaying them. Layouts can have different color options (example: Flat design layouts doesn’t have shadow colors, but have option for selecting tab text color). You can also enable/disable transition effect, which is triggered when tabs are changed.

    You can control order in which tabs are displayed, by simply sorting list of available tabs. Again, this setting is global.

    Author Box user settings

    User settings are located in backend user profile page. Here, every user controls his own settings. For social network widget to be displayed in author box, some kind of identification must be supplied. It can be username, id or profile link. Example is provided for every social network. Also, there are check-boxes for every network. If check-box is not selected, social network widget will not be shown in author box. Additionally, latest posts and user bio can be added to author box. By default, all check-boxes are selected, and text fields are empty.

    Author Box post settings

    In edit post screen, users can define post settings, which override user settings. Meaning, if you deselected checkbox for showing facebook widget in your profile page, but you check it in edit post screen, facebook widget will be shown in that post. It wouldn’t affect any other posts – facebook widget won’t be visible in them. You can also supply new User Bio for that post only.


    Rate us


    All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes and not included with the theme package. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.

  • Humorous Fb Pop-up – Fb Dislike Button (Social Networking)

    Humorous Fb Pop-up – Fb Dislike Button (Social Networking)

    Click here to see pop-up in acttion


    Unlike other wordpress content locker, wordpress funny facebook pop-up shows a pop-up for non fans visitors to like or dislike your page to continue browsing . Like button likes your facebook page and unlock blog for the user . Facebook dislike button moves when hover so funny unclickable dislike .


    • Facebook page like: increase your fans by having a fan only blog where only fans can view the blog without any limitations
    • Facebook dislike:funny facebook moving dislike button which moves when the user try to mouse over making a funny eye-catching effect
    • Visual editor:use the visual editor like in your posts to form the html of the pop-up box
    • Multiple transitions:shows from thre different transitions for the popup ie. slidein , slidedown and fadein
    • Editable dislike text:you can specify the text of the dislike button
    • Waiting time:you can set a time so the pop-up waits untill this time reached before being shown
    • Optional visible close button:You have the option to show or hide the pop-up close button when popup display
    • Dislike transition shows the close button:you can set a number of transitions of the dislike button after which the close button appears
    • Optional modal overlay close:you have the option to enable or disable the if the overlay click close the pop or not

    Need Support, We Got You Covered

    The plugin include free support . Got a problem ? don’t worry we have a help desk setup just for your help . submit a support ticket and we always happy to help make you happy choosing our plugin

    Please contact me before rating the item so we can fix any issue together. also if you have any question feel free to ask :) .

    Change Log:

    • v1.0.1: (31/5/2013)
      1. bug fix: pop up was not centred for some themes . now fixed
      2. bug fix: facebook likes was not recorded by facebook for some people now fixed


    First facebook don’t give a way to know if the user already liked a specific page or not but I can know if the user clicked the like button from my plugin or not

    so the only way I track if user liked the page or not by a cookie when the user clicked like from the pop

    if the user already liked the page manually or from elsewhere before the plugin is installed then there is no cookie and there is no clue if the user liked or not

    this views the pop but the like button shows like disabled and user only can dislike

    if the user is not a fan and clicked the like button . the plugin adds a cookie and know each time that the user liked and will not show again for that browser the user is using

    – pop-up will keep showing in every post even the user clicked close the pop . the only case the pop will not show is when user clicked like throw it .

  • WordPress Increase Hashtag Plus (Social Networking)


    Hashtag plus provide your wordpress site with twitter hashtag feature in your wordpress blog posts, pages, buddypress activity , bbpress topics and replies e.t.c. With Hashtag Plus , it is easy to create links to your posts, pages by just including #post-id or #page-id, also hashtag+ provide a way to give your posts/pages #hashtag alias write from posts or page list, so that in your post your use #post-alias .
    For example a alias can look like this #HowToCreateWebsite , check the features list below.


  • Username: tmontana
  • Password: tmontana

    Hashtags are search keywords prefix with # sign which is included in your posts ,pages, comments e.t.c which when click it will search for contents that have the same keyword


  • It ease searching of contents on your site
  • Your pages and blog posts get enough internal links when you start using #post-id or #post-name or #post-alias
  • Gives your site twitter hashtag feature

  • Your pages
  • Your blog posts
  • WordPress sitewide comments
  • It works on Buddypress plugin if installed
  • It also works work with bbpress plugin if installed
  • Search results
  • E.t.c

  • Turn hashtags in your posts,pages, bbpress, and buddypress post to clickable links
  • Have the ability to create easy links to your posts/pages by passing #post-id like #10 or #post_name like #how-to-create-website or #post-alias like #HowToCreateWebsite e.t.c
  • Gives you the control to select places where hashtag to be applied like posts,pages,bbpress , buddypress comments e.t.c
  • Searching with hashtags can be regular or search with # as prefix
  • Option to open links in a new window when clicked
  • Use standard hashtag (#hashtag)
  • Customize your hashtags links with color , additional css properties easily from the admin
  • Additional Features to Developers

    We have provide wordpress plugin developers to make use of hashtag+ plugin easily with any text content by just calling a function and the job is done by the awesome plugin


    Make use of hashtagplus_parse( $content, $base=’?s=’) ,
    The first argument is content to search for hashtags and must be text
    The second argument is the base url to append the hashtag keyword to like sitewide search is

    Changelog -19/10/2013

  • Fix bug in #hastag link in activities,
  • Documentation

    Everything is included in your downloaded readme.txt file

  • Meme Generator WP Plugin (Social Networking)

    Meme Generator WP Plugin (Social Networking)

    Follow Me!

    The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin is exactly what every WordPress Blog has been looking for. Everyone loves seeing and making funny memes, so why not let users do that on your website? The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin has all the features viral meme generator websites have and much more!

    It let’s users see a set group of pictures picked by the admin on the left side and a random bunch of pictures that the admin has approved on the right side of the generator. And if that isn’t enough, users can upload their own pictures to make memes with!

    The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin let’s users download the meme they have generated and also submit it to the website, and if approved by the admin, let it appear on a page on the website. The admin has full control over what memes are published and aren’t so that no one can spam your website.

    This plugin is fun for users and super easy for WordPress site owners to use!

    The Meme Generator WordPress Plugin in the press:

  • WordPress Social Score Plugin  (Social Networking)

    WordPress Social Score Plugin (Social Networking)

    Why people are using social rating.

    Kohrus rate is a unique WordPress rating plugin that lets your site visitors rate posts or pages on your site by simply tweeting votes to the Twitter timeline. With the depreciation of trust of sites that use cookies to track users behaviour, it’s imperative webmasters you find alternate ways to validate user interaction.

    Imagine a reader of your next blog post passing on his or her opinion to 1,500 of their friends because they love your new post so much.

    Now imagine the next tweet from a good friend, they’ve rated something important to you, how engaged would you be … That’s why you should install Kohrus rate now.

    Key features

    • Install in 1 minute, no coding needed.
    • No need to intrude users privacy by using cookies or IP’s to track voters.
    • Improved score trust as users can’t cheat like other cookies/IP based systems.
    • Automatically thank voters.
    • Realtime updated score.
    • Built right on top of WordPress.
    • View complete stats of page engagement.
    • Stats of twitter accounts that vote.
    • No need for user to authorize app.
    • Simple, one time account setup.
    • Full tweet editor, easily edit tweet string and voting elements.
    • Automatically shortens URL’s.
    • Easy to use voting GUI.
    • Bespoke template placement.

    Flag Counter

  • My Social Counter for wordpress (Social Networking)

    My Social Counter for wordpress (Social Networking)

    My Social Counter is a wordpress plugin (Widget) for your blog where you show social accountants best known social networks, you can add 1 or more networks that your blog is communicating with people, and you can see the counter of followers, subscribers. etc according to social network show.


    I am always ready to reward developers who are committed to making something of quality, especially when there are things to fix and there is readiness and humility in helping users to improve their work. Congratulations on your plugin, the next update will become more and more beautiful – PhenoMik

    Nice plugin! GLWS – SeventhQueen

    looks awesome ! GLWS – metrothemes

    A plugin that allows you to display a statistics widget for your social networks so several counters.

    List of Social Networking

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Vimeo
    • Youtube
    • FeedBurnner
    • Google+
    • Pinterest
    • Tumblr
    • Flickr
    • Linkedin

    Widget Options

    Ways to show


    Set Icons

    Note:require cURL


    2013, Oct, 20 - v1.4
    -Add the thousands separator in a white space (only total)
    -It corrected a css class 'clear'
    -Changed variable totals show '%d' to '%s'
    -*Correction in Javascript functions
    -Manual updated
    2013, Sep, 13 - v1.3
    -Correction in improving the templates
    -Correction of cache counters (1 hour)
    -Correction of the styles and templates structure
    -Added option column, ie select for submission lined counters
    -Added option to show 'total counters' for people who want to show everyone who is connected in social networks
    -Manual updated
    2013, Sep, 07- v1.2
    -Correction twitter accounts that sometimes came out '0'
    2013, Aug, 13- v1.1
    -Fixed twitter Counter
    2013, Jul, 17- v1.0

    Flag Counter

  • TwitterCard – Exhibit your Twitter profile (Social Networking)

    TwitterCard – Exhibit your Twitter profile (Social Networking)

    TwitterCard – Showcase your Twitter Profile – With TwitterCard you get an absolutely easy to use WordPress plugin that enables you to add a beautiful Showcase of your Twitter Account / Profile to any Widget Area or to any Post or Page of your website.


    • Pulls in your profile and banner images
    • Links to your Twitter profile page
    • Displays the current number of:
      • Tweets
      • Follewers
      • People your follow
    • Shows all of your latest Tweets
    • Updates at an reasonable interval to reduce load time and API calls.
    • Automatic update notifications
    • Full support for all major browsers
    • Localization ready (default .po & .mo files included)
    • Free future updates (let me know what you’d like to see)


    • WordPress 3.0+
    • PHP 5.2+


    I prepared some short videos that show in detail how setting up TwitterCard works. Feel free to have a look:

    Future Plans

    I haven’t made any plans, yet! If you miss a feature or if you have a suggestion how to improve an existing one, please feel free to drop me a line via my profile page.


    Version 1.0.2 (07/19/2013)

    • Fixed a bug that caused missing cache refreshes

    Version 1.0.1 (07/17/2013)

    • Added support for PHP 5.2

    Version 1.0.0 (07/16/2013)

    • Initial Release
  • Fb Remark Slider for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Fb Remark Slider for wordpress (Social Networking)

    This fancy slider offers an opportunity for the users to leave comments about your website (or any subpages) when they reach the bottom of the page or with a simple click on the Facebook icon. The comments will displayed for their Facebook friends and they will connected.

    The Facebook Comment Slider also contains a Like and Share button. Thanks for this, it can be the most effective WordPress Facebook Plugin.
    When the visitor leaves a comment, it automatically Likes your WordPress page and it will be displayed on the visitor’s Facebook Profile. You don’t need to integrate Like button or Share button to the posts or to the pages, because this Facebook Slider can appear on every pages and posts on your WordPress website. The users will find the Like button, Share button and the Comments Box on the Facebook Slider.

    You can enable, disable and set time of the shake effect.

    Get more visitors to your website

    “Awesome app, one word VIRAL!” – 99ers

    “Just wanted to quickly drop a line for those considering this plugin: don’t hesitate. It’s a great way to add FB comments to your site in an unobtrusive, yet attention grabbing manner. Support is also outstanding.” – observedotco

    Get the benefits of the Facebook conversations!

    You can lock the screen and set up a timer or you can allow for the users to close the slider. Users can close with a simple click on the faded background, or with the close icon. It is possible to create more effective campaigns for WordPress when you disable the option to close the Facebook Slider. In this case, it will be closed when the user leave a comment or the time is up. Another great way to increase the traffic and shares on Facebook if you enable the auto open feature. This setting will help to make more visible the Comment Box for the visitors, because it will automatically open at the bottom of the page. If you use this plugin on the right way, your WordPress site will get a viral Facebook traffic in a short time.

    More comments, more visibility on Facebook, much more traffic and Facebook Fans.
    Facebook Slider
    The plugin also displays a Like and Share button. When you get a comment, that is equal with one comment and one like, so this is the best option to get more visitors.
    If the users don’t want to write a comment, they can like or share your WordPress website. Using the social networks is the most popular way to get more visitors and fans. Facebook has the biggest traffic and you can use this network to lead much more people to your WordPress website. You can find many of low level WordPress plugins on the web, but not like this. It is containing all public Facebook feature in one plugin, Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Facebook Comment included attention grabber slide and shake animations.

    All in one Facebook plugin for WordPress!

    Facebook providing two different color style, you can access it in dark and light style. This option can be also select on the WordPress settings page of the plugin.
    Viral Spread, More Traffic, More Money
    Facebook Responsive Slider

    Full responsive, mobile-friendly!

    You can select the comment box’s language with a super simple method, only you have to choose the language from a drop-down list on the WordPress admin and the comment box will be translated! Don’t need to use any translation plugin or translate it for yourself, all of the texts on the Slider coming from Facebook and you can translate it quickly with the drop down select box on admin. You can also customize the message on the top of the slider box.
    The whole slider is full responsive, the users can enjoy on tablets or with any mobile device.
    The Facebook Comment Slider automatically fit to the viewer device.
    Good idea to use it instead of the WordPress default comments system, because it’s prevent spamming. Facebook has a really strict rules about spams, so you can be sure, if you use this WordPress plugin, you won’t get spams anymore. In the full detailed documentation, you will find a link for the Facebook Moderation Tools for moderate and set up the entire Facebook Comments Box. Possible to set all comments to public or you can allow or disallow each comment one by one.

    You can also use it as Customer Service, at the same time you will advertise your own website with every Facebook Comments.
    Try out this WordPress Plugin for free on the demo website and you will see it is pretty effective and attention grabber.

    Click here to try out now

    Intelligent slider

    Auto-open the slider box when the user reaches the bottom of the page.
    (they can leave comments easier after they red the content)
    It can remember for the user and you can set to display once for the same user.
    If you choose lock screen, the slider will only close when the user leaves a comment or the time is up. It is possible to leave a comment without Facebook account, therefore anyone can write a comment about your website.
    In addition, this slider gives an opportunity to use with another account instead of Facebook.
    It can be used with Yahoo, Hotmail or AOL account as well.


    • fully responsive
    • ability to lock the screen until the user leaves a comment
    • fixed slider position
    • automatic slide-in when the visitor reach the bottom of the page
    • you can enable or disable the user can close the slider option
    • ability to set up timer to fadeout the slider
    • you can specify your own notice
    • viral spread, much more traffic
    • fully localizable comment box, choose from more than 70 languages
    • selectable direction of the slider
    • you can set up to open the slider automatically just once per user
    • set the number of comments to display
    • link to the moderation tools for Facebook with your AppID
    • fancy jquery animation with fadeout and slide effect
    • automatic URL recognition (users can comment on the specific page of the website and on the homepage as well)
    • detailed documentation
    • transparent background when the screen is locked
    • unlock screen with click on the background (if you allow to close the slider for the users)
    • users can leave comments with 4 service providers (Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail)
    • full customizable, separated CSS file
    • you can hide or show the Facebook icon
    • adjustable transparency
    • three different icon size
    • auto open the slider if you want, when the users reach the bottom of the page
    • mobile-friendly slider


    It is very simple, just share the following link on your Blog, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere : (replace yourusername to your Codecanyon username)

    When you refer new users you’ll receive 30% of their first purchase or cash deposit! For detailed informations about the referral comission, click here.


    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5.5

    • fixed chrome visibility issue
    • fixed blank slider in few cases, when using it with other Facebook plugins

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5.2

    • minor improvements on shake animation effect

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5.1

    • improved animation effects

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5

    • added option to disable the Facebook Comment Slider on the entire website and enable on a specified page with the [enable_facebook_comment_slider] shortcode (include to anywhere in the content or in the template)
    • added option to disable or set time to the shake effect
    • minor speed improvements on the front side of the slider

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.4.1

    • minor improvements, css positioning

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.4

    • added dark style
    • added a timed shake effect to the icon until the comment slider not open
    • added animation to display the Facebook icon
    • you can use your custom url to replace the Facebook logo for your own image
    • fixed: doesn’t open the slider at the bottom of the page again, after a user already opened before
    • minor improvements on mobile view

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.3

    • added lightweight scrollbar to view older comments
    • added [disable_facebook_comment_slider] shortcode to disable the slider on any page or post
    • replaced jQuery 1.9.1 to 1.8.3 to avoid conflicts with older templates or plugins
    • modified live preview url

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.2

    • minor bugfix and improvements on frontend

    Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.1

    • fixed minor visibility bug
    • don’t display the timer, when the slider is closeable

    Check out the demo pages:


    I owe a big thank you for the following websites:

  • Console Chat For Wp (Social Networking)

    Console Chat For Wp (Social Networking)

    Easy chat for youre web site

    Easy install

    Don’t need registry(can use auth username)

    Admin commands

    Full history

    One chat for all pages or all pages has unique chat

    3 default designs

    All data saved in file(don’t need database)

  • Social liker – Social Locker For WP (Social Networking)

    Social liker – Social Locker For WP (Social Networking)

    Simply allow visitors to exchange a Like, +1 or Tweet for post content, videos, a free download, a coupon code or pretty much anything you want.

    Then, by clicking Like, they’ll promote your site to their friends, followers and colleagues… who may also want to social-liker.

    And the more likes, +1s and tweets you get – the higher your post and sites will appear in Google, making this amazing for SEO too!

    Social Share Wall

    Essentially you are protecting your content behind a Social Share Wall, you get them to share your website with their friends and colleagues instead of asking for cash.

    Its the smartest way to get your site out there, drive traffic and push yourself up Google (which takes these kind of social signals very, very seriously).