Author: alex

  • ChatKo is a handy guide a rough and simple chat in your WordPress (Social Networking)

    ChatKo is a handy guide a rough and simple chat in your WordPress (Social Networking)

    Quick and Easy chat for your wordpress site. All messages of a chat saved in RAM, not in HDD. Therefore the chat works very quickly, but doesn’t save history for reduce expenditure of memory. ChatKo is a live communication! If you want a bright and quick chat, ChatKo is your choice!

    Also ChatKo is a qualitative and safe plug-in for your site which allows to communicate for the registered users and guests of the site. Add a ChatKo widget on sidebar of your wordpress site to allow visitors to communicate in a chat.

    Major new features in ChatKo include:

    • Very easy install.
    • The chat doesn’t make entries on a hard disk. Uses only RAM (random access memory). Consumption of memory is minimized.
    • Animation + Audio without Flash.
    • Filter of bad names.
    • Filter of bad words.
    • Unregistered visitors have a mark “Guest”. There is opportunity to forbid a chat for unregistered users.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the chat to enable autoscroll. Autoscroll is enabled by default.


    I can help you localize the chat for free. Feel free to contact me through my profile page

    How to Use.

    After installation of the plugin you need to add “ChatKo Widget” on pages of your site. It becomes very simply:

    1) the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets.

    2) Drag “Chatko Widget” to Main sidebar and drop there.

    On a the widget will be visible how many users in online. Also there is a button for enter to a chat.

  • WordPress SelectNShare (Social Networking)

    WordPress SelectNShare (Social Networking)

    This plugin allows your users to select everywhere on your site and share it on:

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn

    You can also send selected text by email with:

    • Gmail
    • Yahoo mail

    If you need to add some others services (email or social networks), please do not hesitate to ask us for a free customization.

    Tested on:
    Firefox 23
    Chrome 30
    Opera 17
    Safari 5.1.7 for Win

  • Twitter Timeline Slider for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Twitter Timeline Slider for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Get more followers via Twitter Timeline Slider!

    This plugin give an opportunity for the visitors to Follow you or Reply, Retweet and mark as Favorite your tweets through your own website. When someone retweet, reply or mark as Favorite your tweet, that will display for the other users and they can easily follow you and visit your website. With this trick, you can get much more visitors and followers, therefore your website traffic can be increased much more. You can lock the screen and set up a timer or you can allow for the users to close the slider. If you don’t allow to close the slider, it still opened until the visitor reply or retweet any of your tweets.
    More followers, retweets, more visibility on Twitter, much more audience.

    Viral spread, more traffic, more money!

    You can lock the screen and set up a timer or you can allow for the users to close the slider.
    More tweets, retweets, more visibility on Twitter, much more traffic.

    Work with Facebook Comment Slider

    You can double the efficiency if you use the Twitter Timeline Slider with the Facebook Comment Slider. Both of these help to increase the audience of your website and can work together on the same page. Both slider has a detailed options to make it really custom and fit to your website.

    Supports more than 100 languages

    You can select the Timeline Slider language with a super simple method, only you have to choose the language from a drop-down list and the Twitter Timeline Slider will be translated automatically!

    Full responsive, mobile-friendly!

    The whole slider full responsive, the users can enjoy on tablets or with any mobile device.
    The Twitter Timeline Slider automatically fit to the viewer device.

    Intelligent slider

    Auto-open the slider box when the user reach the bottom of the page.
    (they can leave tweets easier after they red the content)
    Can remember for the user and you can set to display once for the same user.
    If you choose lock screen, the slider will only close when the user leave a reply or retweet or the time is up.


    • fully responsive
    • ability to lock the screen until the user reply or retweet any of your tweets
    • fixed slider position
    • automatic slide-in when the users reach the bottom of the page
    • you can enable or disable the user can close the slider
    • ability to set up timer to fadeout the slider
    • you can specify your own notice
    • viral spreading, much more audience and traffic to your website
    • fully localizable comment box with auto detect language, but you can choose from more than 100 languages manually
    • selectable position of the slider (left or right)
    • you can set up to open the slider automatically at the bottom of the page just once per user
    • set the number of tweets to display
    • dark and light style
    • fancy jquery animation with fadeout and easing slide effect
    • option to disable the slider on the entire website and enable it on a specified page with adding [enable_twitter_timeline_slider] shortcode to the content (or to the template)
    • full detailed documentation
    • transparent background when the screen locked, ability to set the transparency
    • unlock the screen with click on the background (if you allow to close the slider for the users)
    • option to disable the slider on a specified page with adding [disable_twitter_timeline_slider] shortcode to the content (or to the template)
    • full customizable separated CSS file
    • you can hide or show the Twitter icon and you can replace it to your own logo on admin
    • attractive shake effect, you can disable or set frequency timer to shake (from 5sec to 5min)
    • three different icon size
    • set the icon vertical position
    • auto open the slider if you want, when the users reach the bottom of the page
    • mobile-friendly slider, work on tablets and mobile devices
    • lightweight scrollbar to display the former tweets


    It is very simple, just share the following link on your Blog, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere : (replace yourusername to your Codecanyon username)

    When you refer new users you’ll receive 30% of their first purchase or cash deposit! For detailed informations about the referral comission, click here.


    Version 1.0.1

    • minor improvements on shake animation effect

    Check out the demo pages:


    I owe a big thank you for the following websites:

  • ShareIt – Shareable Content material Snippets for WordPress (Social Networking)

    ShareIt – Shareable Content material Snippets for WordPress (Social Networking)

    ShareIt is a WordPress plugin to create and share content snippets made of texts and/or images through social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+

    ShareIt will adapt to the capabilities of each social network:

    • In Twitter, share a status with a link.
    • Facebook has the most complete sharing, including title, description, image and link
    • For Pinterest, share the description, image and link
    • Google+ accepts only the link to the page
    • For Tumblr grabs the text and source
    • LinkedIn accepts text, title and URL


    • Share to different social networks on each one:
      • Twitter
      • Facebook
      • Pinterest
      • Google+
      • Tumblr
      • LinkedIn
    • Share text, image, title and URL according to the capabilities of each social network
    • Fluid & Responsive
    • Works on mobile devices
    • Set alignment options on each one:
      • Left
      • Center
      • Right
    • Integrated into WordPress Content Editor
    • Craft a shareable content specifically in the WordPress Editor dialog or quickly wrap content in your post for sharing capturing text and images
    • Customize colors, default sites to share and default alignment in content
    • Panel for custom CSS rules and properties so they’re preserved during upgrades or even if you change the site’s theme.
    • Advanced users can take advantage of the filters included to modify the ShareIt markup output
    • Icons from FontAwesome icons, perfectly scalable for regular and retina displays
    • Well documented and supported


    After activation, ShareIt will have some default options already set so it works right out of the box in the plugins settings page. You can modify them to meet your requirements and set up the styling to match your site’s overall design.

    You’ll find the menu in WordPress Editor for you to use as described in the companion documentation.

    Access the support forum

    Support forum

    If you need help with customization, come to the support forums!

    See Also

    Allground – Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

    Allground - Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress

    Alldion – Responsive Accordion for WordPress

    Alldion - Responsive accordion for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Rotating Tabs Widget for WordPress

    Tabs Widget for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • Open Graph Tags for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Open Graph Tags for WordPress (Social Networking)


    Generate Open Graph meta tags for your site so that it’s shared links look awesome on social sites like Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn!


    Automatic Tag Generation
    Tags are generated dynamically based on the page content and plugin settings. Works right out of the box.

    Default Image Support
    Specify your own site-wide image to use as a default for sharing. You can use a specific URL or upload and use an image using the WordPress media manager.

    Default Values
    Specify default values for title, description, site name, determiner, and locale. These are used either in place of automatic tags or as a backup if no information is found.

    Facebook ID Support
    Optionally add in Facebook user ID, app ID, and publishing page to create specific tags that help sharing through Facebook.

    Twitter Cards Support
    Optionally turn on and configure basic Twitter cards support. You’ll need to validate your configuration with Twitter, but it’s a very handy addition for sharing.

    Tag Overrides
    Use default values for title, description, and image exclusively on the site with a click of a checkbox.


    Plugin Files
    Folder with PHP files, ready for upload and install.

    HTML file with instructions on the installation, use, and configuration of the plugin.

    Change Log

    Version 1.0.2
    Bug Fix: Stopped Jetpack from outputting overriding tags

    Version 1.0.1
    Added Support: Twitter Cards
    Added Option: Skip Excerpt and use the Content
    Code Base: Modified to use static PHP classes

    Version 1.0.0
    Initial release

  • jQueryFacebookWall WordPress (Social Networking)

    jQueryFacebookWall WordPress (Social Networking)

    jQueryFacebookWallWP is a wordpress plugin that will build a timeline or wall style post feed on your worpress website post or page with the Facebook account data of your choosing. jQueryFacebookWallWP has settings to show events, likes, photos, and albums. It also includes a Facebook style lightbox to browse photo galleries. And best of all, it has user interactions so photos, posts, and comments can be liked or commented on. See it in action at

    New Features

    Coming Soon


    September 29, 2013

    • Plugin Path bug fix.
    • Facebook SDK FB.init bug fix.
    • Added tighter lightbox css name spacing to reduce style collisions with other light boxes that may be installed.
    • Version 1.0 Released!

    September 23, 2013

    • Version 1.0 Released!
  • Tweetable Shortcode v.1.2 – Fast Tweet Sentences (Social Networking)

    Tweetable Shortcode v.1.2 – Fast Tweet Sentences (Social Networking)


    Current version : Tweetable Shortcode v1.2

    Tweetable Shortcode v1.2  -  feature release
    * Different text content between the button and the tweet. 
    Tweetable Shortcode v1.1  -  feature release
    * Add a short URL of the post. Use to add a short URL of the current post in the tweet.
    Tweetable Shortcode v1.0 - initial release
    *initial release

    Tweetable plugin for wordpress allows you to make sentence as a quick sharing tweet. Select some text in your wordpress post editor and simply click on the tweetable shortcode button in the wordpress editor toolbar. Induce people to tweet your words !

  • wordpress Sensible Like Buttons (Social Networking)

    wordpress Sensible Like Buttons (Social Networking)

    With this plugin you can add a button to your wordpress website and likes to keep
    track of your posts, pages, etc. You can change the text that appears on the button
    and bubble from the language file. Warning: Extracting information is not of any one
    of the social networks and from MySQL WP database.


    • jQuery Powared
    • Ajax Powared
    • Admin choose button style
    • 6 styles ready for use
    • Like/Unlike posts and pages
    • Facebook style button (big and small)
    • Twitter style button (big and small)
    • Google Plus style button (big and small)
    • Likes counter
    • Language file to change buttons and baloon text
  • TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    Thank you for choosing TweetDis!

    TweetDis is a WordPress plugin, that will display a floating “call-to-action” above any piece of text you choose.
    And once you click on the text, the plugin will automatically create a tweet out of it.
    (In other words, TweetDis makes any piece of text “tweetable”)

    99% of people won’t tweet anything, but the title of the post! Unless you MAKE THEM TWEET SOMETHING ELSE!

    You should put “call-to-actions” in your article, if you think that a specific phrase deserves to be tweeted. Otherwise people will just pass by all your awesome ideas and quotes.

    TweetDis hints people to tweet certain phrases… and people can tweet them in 2 clicks!

    While WITHOUT TweetDis it’s really a pain to tweet a certain phrase from your article. Do you really think anyone will go through the following 7 steps?

    Please Note: This plugin uses shortcodes to make phrases “tweetable”. And it doesn’t interfere with your regular social buttons.

    Key Features:

    • Configure how the “tweetable” phrase looks – the plugin lets you pick the color of the phrase you want people to tweet, define if it should be underlined or not and pick the style of the underline.
    • Pick from 5 different “call-to-action” designs – we have 5 designs of that floating “call-to-action” that should fit any blog design. But you can go even further and configure the colors, the size of the text and write your own call-to-action there.
    • Define the resulting tweet – you can specify a default twitter account to be used in all the tweets as well as the preposition.

    Make Any Phrase “Tweetable” In WordPress