Author: alex

  • Christmas (Utilities)

    Christmas (Utilities)

    Christmas Plugin is a 3-in-One Christmas Plugin to add the Christmas Animation Effect, Christmas Greeting Card and Christmas Snow to your WordPress site. If you are targeting sales during the Christmas Season or want to add that Christmas flavor to your site then this is the right Christmas Plugin for you.

    1. Christmas Animation – Live Preview

    2. Christmas Greeting Card – Live Preview

    3. Christmas Snow – Live Preview


    • 3-in-One Christmas Plugin for adding Christmas Animation/Christmas Greeting Card/Christmas Snow to your WordPress site
    • 22 Predefined Themes for Greeting Card
    • 30 Different Types of Christmas Images
    • Should work with all WordPress Themes
    • Create Multiple Types of Christmas Animation/Christmas Greeting Card/Christmas Snow and choose on which Pages/Posts which Animation/Card/Snow you want to show
    • Christmas Image Speed can be controlled
    • Christmas Image Rotation Speed can be set
    • Christmas Image Size as user input
    • Highly Customizable with lots of options


    If you have any problems or need help for this Plugin, don’t worry we are there. Register and open a support ticket on our site.


    Version 1.5 on 6 December 2013
    - Background Music Added for Greeting Cards
    Version 1.4 on 3 December 2013
    - Snow Fall feature added to Greeting cards
    - Animation Effects added to Greeting cards
    - 18 Additional Templates for Greeting cards added
    Version 1.3 on 10 November 2013
    - Z-index value for Snow Flakes is added as user input
    - Snow Disappearing Position option added
    Version 1.2 on 9 November 2013
    - Snow Movement - Top to Bottom(Falling)/Bottom to Top(Rising) option added
    Version 1.1 on 5 November 2013
    - Compatibility problem fixed for IE browsers
    Version 1.0 on 4 November 2013 
    - Initial Release


  • wordpress PROCount: Responsive Countdown Touchdown Web page (Utilities)

    wordpress PROCount: Responsive Countdown Touchdown Web page (Utilities)

    WP PROCount is a simple, clean and fully responsive mobile friendly landing page WordPress plugin.

    The WP PROCount is very minimalistic and lightweight. It contains a customizable Countdown Clock and MailChimp plugin. This plugin also comes with a LESS Stylesheet file that you can use to customize the page however you would like.

    Runs Along Side Your Theme

    Responsive Design

    PROCount Features

    Runs along side your theme – All users that are not logged is as administrator will see the coming soon template. This allows the administrators to work on the theme while still having a live WP PROCount page displayed for everyone else.

    Countdown Clock: Animated LIVE Countdown that counts down in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date.

    Responsive Design: Crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).

    LESS Stylesheet: LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.

    MailChimp Integration: Seamlessly integrated with MailChimp using Ajax and PHP. Within seconds you can be collecting email address.

    WP PROCount Changelog

    - Added logo image uploader
    - Added background color picker
  • Verde – Responsive WordPress Coming Quickly Plugin (Utilities)

    Verde – Responsive WordPress Coming Quickly Plugin (Utilities)

    Verde Coming Soon Template

    Follow Creabox Twitter
    Follow Creabox Envato

    Verde is a creative under construction / coming soon wordpress plugin. If you are working in a new website, this plugin is perfect for you.


    Main Features

    • Great admin panel
    • Minimal and creative design
    • Retina ready
    • Built with bootstrap
    • HTML5 and CSS3 techniques
    • Fully responsive
    • Work with any Youtube video
    • Google maps background
    • Cool text effects (5 versions)
    • Twitter feed
    • Easy to change
    • Spanish translation
    • Working ajax contact and subscription form
    • Mailchimp and database subscription form
    • Well documented
    • 25 social icons images




    Version 1.2 : 21 November 2013
          ~ Youtube video included
          ~ More translations (French, German and Italian)
          ~ Css styles improved
          ~ Documentation improved
          ~ Bugs fixed in canvas version
    Version 1.1 : 8 November 2013
          ~ jQuery conflict with older versions wordpress fixed
          ~ Video sound option included
    Version 1.0 : 3 November 2013
          ~ Initial release

  • WordPress Lengthy Put up Splitter (Utilities)

    WordPress Lengthy Put up Splitter (Utilities)

    WordPress Long Post Splitter automatically split long post/page content into multiple pages so that the page length is smaller. Your page will load faster and make it easier for your readers to read your content without being overwhelmed by the length of the content.


    • Write lengthy post – If your website contains many long articles, it is good idea to split your articles into multiple pages to make it more readable.
    • Increase pageviews – If you split your article into multiple pages, every click by visitors to the next page will increase your pageviews.
    • Reduce bounce rate – Website visitors are a curious bunch and just love to know what’s on that mysterious next page.
    • Speed up page load time – Slow loading pages lead to poor user experience. Breaking down lengthy articles into pages will make your page load faster.


    • Enable or disable automatical splitting
    • Customizable page length
    • Page length can be overridden at each post/page
    • Exclude specific post/page from automatic splitting


    If you have any problems or need help for this plugin, we are always here to help.


    Version 1.0 Release Date 2013-10-22
    – Initial release

  • PressTicket – Evolved HelpDesk For wordpress (Utilities)

    PressTicket – Evolved HelpDesk For wordpress (Utilities)

    If this plugin is useful, could You please help me rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for me

    Please read FAQ before send the questions for the issue.



    1. PressTicket (PTS) is a Powerful Ticket-management platform in WordPress, PTS is integrated with Woocommerce and Envato, PTS is really useful for you to provide the Support to your Customers.
    2. PTS is reliable and extendable for the developer, PTS provide the API and the Endpoint to embed in your applications.
    3. PressTicket provide 3 support ways to your customers:
    4. In your Backend: Use Custom Post Type and Taxonomy
    5. In your Frontend: Use Shortcode.
    6. In you Customer’s backend website: use Endpoint API, for futher info

    All Features

    1. Custom Post Type (CPT) and Taxonomy support, PressTicket does not use/create Custom table, only use WordPress table.
    2. Ticket URL SLUG Customize: PressTicket support to custom the Ticket slug in URL, so you can easy change the slug in backend, eg: by default, The Ticket URL is, but you can change it to
    3. Shortcode: PressTicket support the shortcode to display the Submit Form, Ticket List at frontend, so you can provide the support service in frontend, no need to login backend.
    4. Widget/Dashboard: PressTicket support the Widget, this is display the user’s ticket list, Status and Priority filtering option support.
    5. Department and Helptopic: You can create the Department and Helptopic to distribute the Ticket, is very useful for filtering/searching.
      • Unlimit Department
      • Unlimit Helptopic
      • Unlimit Support Staff
      • Unlimit Customer
    6. Assignment: You can assign the Support Staffs to the Department, whenever new ticket is created, the notification will be sent to this staffs (if Notification feature is actived).
    7. Permisson: by default, PressTicket allow all the user can use it, but You can limit the permission as:
      • Upload Files: By WP default, only the Author or higher role can upload the files, but use PressTicket, you can set this permission for the Subscriber, Contributor or other role.
      • View/Open Ticket: This permission will be assigned for the Customer, they can Submit/View/Reply to their Ticket, noted: Only the Author or higher role can access to their Ticket in Backend, if not they must access it in Frontend.
      • Updating/Deleting Ticket: This permission will be assigned for Support Staff, The Staff must be an Editor or higher.
    8. File attachments: post documents, screenshots, PDFs … all file is allowed to upload by WordPress and store in Media page in Backend.
    9. Stop Spamming by Recaptcha in “Submit Ticket” form.
    10. Alerts and Notices: (Alerts and Notices will be sent to Support Staff/Customer on ticket “events”) with 2 events:
      • Alert sent out on new tickets
      • Alert sent out when a new message, from the user, is appended to an existing ticket.
    11. Email notification template: is available with 3 templates and easy to modify in Backend.
    12. Translatable: PressTicket support multi-language, so you can translate it in your language by step by step, view help topic
    13. Woocommerce Integration: Woocommerce is a best solution for the commerce site, that’s is the reason why we integrate PressTicket with it.
    14. Envato Integration: Envato is a big Marketplace, they provide all the Digital products as: Theme, Template, Plugin, Addon, Photos, Video … etc, this option is really useful for the Envato’s Author (whom sell the item on Envato).
    15. API/Endpoint: PressTicket support the API (Action and Filter Hook) and Endpoint, so you can extend or embed PressTicket in your application, for further information, please visit
    16. Debug Tool: use for testing before get it to work, if there are have any error or warning, PressTicket will display the suggestions, by the way you can easy set the valid settings.
    17. Quick Support: If you have any questions, you can use Quick Support Form to send the request to us, by the way, we will reply you as soon as possible.
    18. PressTicket Client Version: what is it? PressTicket Client (PTC) is a second plugin, use to install in your client’s site (only WordPress), allow the Customer Submit/Reply their tickets on their Backend, WOW, Great feature, right? PressTicket have an Endpoint API, this gateway receive the request from PTC and proccess it in WordPress system, By the way, your Customer can Submit or Reply the Ticket on their site, no need to login your site.
    19. Google Chart: Ticket status summary.

    Some screenshots …

    Shortcode support




    Compatible With Woocommerce

    … And so much more.


    11/20/2013 – V2.3.1

    [New] Add New Ticket List and Google Chart on Admin Dashboard.
    [New] API key
    [New] adding API column in User Page.
    [New] Adding Endpoint API URL
    [Fix] Adding Hook into Ticket mail notification.
    [Fix] Changing Email content.
    [Fix] Adding shortcode (not WP shortcode) in Mail template wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wp-ticket&page=wp-ticket-settings&tab=email_template
    [Fix] Sending multiple email address to Helpdesk Staff in a Department.
    [Fix] Creating Ticket ID
    [Fix] Checking empty filter hook: Prioritys, Status
    [Fix] admin url.
    [Fix] Json response.
    [Fix] Fix View ticket permission from backend.
    [Fix] Remove Google Chart in frontend.
    [Fix] Chart in backend.
    [Fix] Displaying Widget.
    [Fix] remove # in ticket ID.
    [Fix] Verify buyer by Purchase Key
    [Fix] Remove ENVATO option in shortcode, no needed.

    11/06/2013 – V2.3

    [Fix] Sending HTML mail format.
    [Fix] Mail notification content.
    [Fix] Change "All Tickets" label to "PressTicket".
    [Fix] disable SUBMIT button when submit the data by Ajax.
    [Fix] disable LOAD MORE button when submit the data by Ajax.
    [Fix] Admin CSS
    [Fix] "Response" word misspell.
    [Fix] Debug Tool.
    [Fix] Date Format Responses List in Backend.
    [Fix] Adding some columns in Responses page.
    [Fix] Adding Pressticket Icon in backend.
    [New] Envato Ticket support
    [New] Verifying Purchase Key, available when Integrated with Envato Ticket type.
    [New] Adding ticket type, WOO, Envato support.
    [New] Login Form Filter Hook:
    - pressticket_loginform_before
    - pressticket_loginform_after
    - pressticket_loginform_rememberme_before
    - pressticket_loginform_rememberme_after
    [New] Add Register, Lost password url in login form.
    [New] Using Envato Avatar, replaced by WP default avatar. (optional).
    [New] Register Link is available when enable "Anyone can register" in Backend (Settings/General)
    [New] Custom Ticket Post Type Slug
    [New] Check WP version when install plugin.

    11/04/2013 – V2.2.2

    [Fix] Update .po file
    [Fix] Update Debug tool.
    [Fix] LoadMore button.

    10/28/2013 – V2.2.1

    [Fix] Loading Ajax Url
    [Fix] Remove bootstrap CSS.
    [Fix] Showing Form/Ticket list, fix shortcode.
    [New] Integrated with Woocommerce.

    10/07/2013 – V2.0

    [New] Loading Language.
    [Fix] Removing Quicktag editor.
    [Fix] Searching user.
    [Fix] HTML email sending.

    04/29/2013 – V1.0

    Initial Release
  • HTML To WordPress Converter (Utilities)

    HTML To WordPress Converter (Utilities)

    HTML To WordPress converter is a WordPress plugin that allows you to convert a plain html file into WordPress theme, without any knowledge of WordPress themes.

    Getting Started Guide (video) : Link


    • No knowledge of WordPress Theming required.
    • Makes Menus
    • Makes Widgets
    • Makes Post Area
    • Makes Footer Area
    • Adds Menus to the Backend
    • Adds Logo url change option in the backend.
    • Allows Multiple Widgets
    • Allows Multiple Menus
    • Sample HTML with tags included for reference

    Documentation Link

    All the files has to be zipped after they are made ready for conversion, then you can use the zip for conversion, just like any other theme.

  • WPShots – WordPress Shortcode Plugin (Utilities)

    WPShots – WordPress Shortcode Plugin (Utilities)

    WPShots is a smart and rich shortcodes plugin for WordPress. It eases the job of admins and WordPress
    developers. Shortcodes can be used inside posts, pages or in widgets. Public functions are also available to use
    inside php code.

    WPShots Features

    Once you install WPShots, you can access following shortcodes. Related functions are also listed along the

    Show total number of published posts in the blog. Developers can get the value of total number of posts
    using fn_wpshots_number_of_posts() function.

    Show total number of published pages in the blog. Developers can get the value of total number of pages
    using fn_wpshots_number_of_pages() function.

    This shortcode display number of facebook likes of a given user. For example, [wpshots_facebook_likes id="cocacola"]
    displays the number of facebook likes of cocacola page. Developers can read the number of likes using
    fn_wpshots_facebook_likes() function. In order to obtain the likes of cocacola page, call the function

    This shortcode display number of facebook shares of a given url. For example, [wpshots_facebook_shares url=""]
    displays the number of facebook shares for url. Developers can read the number of shares using
    fn_wpshots_facebook_shares() function. In order to obtain the shares of, call the function

    This shortcode display number of Google plus ones for a given url. For example, [wpshots_google_plus_one url=""]
    displays the number of google plus ones for Developers can read the number of plus ones using
    fn_wpshots_google_plus_one() function. In order to obtain the plus ones of, call the function

    This shortcode display number of tweets for a given url. For example, [wpshots_tweet_count url=""]
    displays the number of tweets for Developers can read the number of tweets using
    fn_wpshots_tweet_count() function. In order to obtain the number of tweets for, call the function

    This shortcode display number of pinterest pins for a given url. For example, [wpshots_pinterest_pins url=""]
    displays the number of pinterest pins for Developers can read the number of pins using
    fn_wpshots_pinterest_pins() function. In order to obtain the number of pins for, call the function

    This shortcode display number of linkedin shares for a given url. For example, [wpshots_linkedin_shares url=""]
    displays the number of linkedin shares for Developers can read the number of linkedin shares using
    fn_wpshots_linkedin_shares() function. In order to obtain the number of linkedin shares for, call the function

    This shortcode display number of stumbleupon shares for a given url. For example, [wpshots_stumbleupon_shares url=""]
    displays the number of stumbleupon shares for Developers can read the number of stumbleupon shares using
    fn_wpshots_stumbleupon_shares() function. In order to obtain the number of stumbleupon shares for, call the function

    This shortcode display number of youtube subscribers for a given user. For example, [wpshots_youtube_subscribers user="apple"]
    displays the number of youtube subsribers for apple. Developers can read the number of subscibers using
    fn_wpshots_youtube_subscribers() function. In order to obtain the number of youtube subscribers for apple, call the function

    Browser Support

  • Halloween (Utilities)

    Halloween (Utilities)

    Halloween Plugin adds the Halloween Effect and Halloween Greeting Card to your WordPress site. People who are visiting your site can get a feel for Halloween season.

    1. Halloween Effect – Live Preview

    2. Halloween Greeting Card – Live Preview


    • 28 Halloween Images to choose from
    • Simple and Effective way of adding Halloween effect/Halloween Greeting Card to any of your WordPress site
    • Should work with all WordPress Themes
    • Create Multiple Types of Halloween Effects/Halloween Greeting Cards and choose on which Pages/Posts which Effect/Card you want to show
    • Image Fade In/Fade Out Speed can be controlled
    • Image Position can be Random/Centre
    • Image Rotation can be turned ON/OFF
    • Image Rotation Speed can be set
    • Image Size can be Original Size/Custom Size
    • Highly Customizable with lots of options


    If you have any problems or need help for this Plugin, don’t worry we are there. Register and open a support ticket on our site.


    Version 1.0
    - Initial Release


  • Google Customized Seek for WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Google Customized Seek for WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    The Google Custom Search for WordPress Plugin is an advanced WordPress Search Plugin with an On-Demand-Index and On-Demand-Removal Functionality.
    Enhance your WordPress website with the search engine that you need. Delivering top quality search results powered by Google.
    Say hello to the Google Custom Search for WordPress Plugin.

    Plugin Features

    Use the Power of Google

    Visitors to your blog will find what they are looking for quicker than if you don’t have this plugin installed.

    On-Demand-Index Functionality

    With this Google‘s addressing the need to provide fast indexing for your important, frequently-changing content within 24 hours – often much faster.

    Extended Layout Settings

    Change columns, Auto search, the query parameter, Safe Search, Autocomplete, Default refinements and many more. You can even add your custom CSS.

    Easy Theme Integration

    Many themes have their own styled custom search form fields. You can easily replace them within the settings page of the Custom Search Plugin.

    Automatic Updates

    Get automatic updates whenever we make changes right from your WordPress administration panel. No need to update manually.

    Custom CSS & HTML

    Add any CSS to layout the search page and/or customize the search form so that it fits your needs.

    Detailed Logs

    See your available removal and indexing quotas as well as a detailed log which describes what the plugin did during the last time.

    Watch the Installation Video

    Support & Testimonials

    • Our plugins are made in Germany by a German engineer.
    • All technical requests regarding the plugin will end up in the engineers email account not in asia or anywhere else.
    • You will get support from the guy who wrote the plugin.
    • Maybe this are the reasons why our customers are so satisfied.
    • “Dear WP-Buddy, WOW, thanks so much for super service and great product.”
    • “Thanks WP-Buddy for listening to your buyers. Great support thanks again.”
    • “Thank you so much for the briefing. Awesome services.”
    • “I just found your plugin on Code Canyon, I love the quality of it and it shows you have great talent.”
    • “Thanks a lot for the help and support mate. It seems good after testing… please let me know u have anymore products for sale or in pipline lol”
    • “Thanks SO MUCH for taking time and writing to me the valuable information about snippets.”

    WordPress 3.8 support!

    Yes, version 1.1.4 is ready for WordPress 3.8 (tested with 3.8 beta 1 so far).

    Plugin Requirements

    • In case you need a plugin to work with any special WordPress theme, please ask us before your purchase.
    • This plugin requires: PHP5.3 running on your webserver (if you don’t know how to update to the latest version, read this),
    • a WordPress Version higher or equal 3.6
    • a Google Account and
    • a ready-to-use Google Custom Search engine (which is free in the basic version).

    Important Notes

    • This only works with either a Google Custom Search or a Sitesearch engine.
    • The On-Demand-Index and On-Demand-Removal functionality will not work with Googles Web-Engine. It only works with Googles Custom- and/or Sitesearch.
    • The difference between Sitesearch and CustomSearch is that the latter is free (and contains ads) where the first costs at least 100 USD a year (click here for more information on Google’s prices).

    Version History

    The current version is 1.1.4 (Nov. 27, 2013). Click here for a full version history.

    Have any questions? – FAQ

    Could not find an answer to your question? Please consider reading the Google Custom Search WordPress Plugin FAQ first.
    There is also a detailed description on how to set the plugin up (including images). Thanks!


    This plugin was translated into English and German, already. Want to translate the plugin into your own language? Download the latest .pot files from Github or contribute to this project directly on Github.


    Uses CodeMirror and jQuery Ajax Chosen.

    Check out my WordPress Plugins and Themes!

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    Google Custom Search WodPress Plugin
    Purple Heart Rating WordPress Plugin
    Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin
    Google Plus Author Information in Search Results
    Product Countdown WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce
    Google Drive as WordPress CDN Plugin
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