Author: alex

  • Size Conversion – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Size Conversion – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Measurement Conversion is a powerfull WordPress plugin designed especially for cooking sites with recipes. It will help your visitors to quickly convert measurements of the recipe’s ingredients without leaving your page. With a simple click on the unit, the user can choose a different unit to which the value can be converted to.

    As a bonus, there is a small standalone converter which you can insert anywhere on your site, to let your visitors make their own conversions.

    Covered units:
    – weight: kg, g, lb, oz
    – volume: litre, ml, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, pints, fl oz
    – temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit

    It uses Google API for the conversions through AJAX calls.

    Be friendly with all your visitors, no matter from where they are or what metric system the use :)


    August 14th, 2013: Fixed “lost decimals” bug
    September 21th, 2013: Added button to tinyMCE visual editor for easier shortcode insertion

    Planned for next updates:
    – Full internalization support

  • Rcwd Add for Gravity Types (Add-ons)

    Rcwd Add for Gravity Types (Add-ons)




    This add-on extends the functionality of the premium WordPress plugin Gravity Forms.

    It allows to add a new single file upload field that is not related to the WP media core.

    Yes, you will not find the loaded file inside the media manager, also it uses a different folder for every location (based on form id, field id and entry id).

    Also, you can activate the option to let user upload more than 1 file!!!


    Support for image preview before upload (with all modern browsers)
    Options for resizing (clientside and serverside)
    Options for filtering the allowed extensions
    Repeater option! Yes you can let users to upload more to add additional upload fields
    Support for drag&drop
    Useful filters that will let you customize some stuff (new filters will be added to next releases)
    Option for add a title field
    Compatible with “Gravity Forms User Registration” plugin
    Language translation for english and italian

    Gravity Forms compatibility

    This add-on requires Gravity Forms v1.7+ and WordPress v3.5+


    You need support for it? no problem! Send me an email at

    No support in comments section. Please use it for presale questions only, thanks :)


    Don’t forget to check the checkbox “Get notified by email if this item is updated” in your Downloads page :)

    To update the plugin: login to CodeCanyon -> Downloads section -> re-download the plugin

    Current version:

    • Added support for GForms User Registration Add-On
    • Fixed an annoying bug that prevents the functionality of field in IE8 and IE10 if the field is initially hidden (this is what happens if conditional fields are used)


    • Fixed a bug for using the field in gform ajax mode
    • Small bug fixes


    • Bug fixes for uploaded image preview


    • Bug fixes for resizing options


    • Added repeater limit (by option or by the new filter “gforms_rcwdupload_repeater_limit)
    • Small bug fixes for new WP version


    • Fixed the correct display (css and js) of the form field in the backoffice preview


    • Added select field for “image preview before upload” option
    • Fixed a bug that did’t hide the image preview after remove or upload
    • Small bug fixes


    • Added image preview before upload(it works on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 7+, IE 10+, Opera 12.02+, Safari 6.0.2+)


    • fixed a bug that prevent the field to be added to the form in Chrome and IE


    • first version
  • Roll hyperlink WP Plugin (Add-ons)

    Roll hyperlink WP Plugin (Add-ons)

    Quickly add a 3D rollink link effect to your wordpress blog.
    Just install – pick colors – and have fun!


    • set individual colors for normal link text and background, and hover (or roll) text color and background
    • preview of your effect in the options panel
    • by default it applies to the whole site, by you can specify in which classes links should be affected

    How to install and run

    1. Upload via FTP to wp-includes/plugins/ or via WP Dashboard->Plugins->ADD NEW
    2. After installation, enable the plugin ‘Roll link’ in you plugin panel
    3. Go to Settings->Roll Link, setup your colors and click SAVE!

    View your website!

    Advanced settings
    By default the plugin applies to ALL of the tags in your website. If you want to apply it just to specific places:

    1. Inspect the code in your favorite browser
    2. Find the html selectors (live ) that wrap a certain amount of content that you want to apply the roll-link effect onto.
    3. In the settings of Roll Link ENABLE ADVANCED
    4. Specify the names of the classes of selectors that you found (if more than one, seperate them by commas, WITHOUT SPACES!), and click SAVE
    5. View your website!

    Need help?
    Leave a comment/feedback at the items page, or contact me on my envato profile

    Cheers! :)

  • Top class Flooring Plans and Displays (Add-ons)

    Top class Flooring Plans and Displays (Add-ons)

    Visit Our Website
    Follow Us on ThemeForest
    Follow Us on Twitter
    Follow Us on Facebook

    Premium Floor Plans and Presentations allows you to create interactive floor plans or any type of presentation quick and easy through an easy to use visual editor inside of WordPress. Premium Floor Plans and Presentations is perfect for shopping malls, conference/exhibit halls, office buildings, real estate floor plans, retail products, automotive and so much more. Premium Floor Plans and Presentations comes packed with many features and video documentation.

    Plug-in Requirements:

    WordPress 3.5 or 3.6

    JavaScript enabled browser

    Desktop Browser compatibility:

    IE 8+





    Mobile Browser compatibility:

    Firefox (Android)

    Chrome (iOS and Android)

    Safari (iOS)

    Opera (iOS and Android)

    Also includes:

    Localization support (.po and .mo files included)

    Text documentation

    Video Walkthroughs

    Official plug-in website:

    View the Floor Plan Demo

    View the Automotive Demo

    New Demos added

    View the Human Anatomy Demo

    View the Laptop Demo

    View the Responsive Demo

    Updates :

    Premium Floor Plans v 1.5

    Whats New in 1.5 :

    - You asked, we listened. Create stunning interactive presentations for all devices with the new Responsive mode.
    - Tooltip styling options
    - Improved plug-in architecture

    Premium Floor Plans v 1.4

    Whats New in 1.4 :

    - Marker tooltip is more dynamic to accommodate more or less text and repositions itself accordingly

    Premium Floor Plans v 1.3

    Whats New in 1.3 :

    - Shortcodes can now be enabled for Panel Descriptions.
    - 4 Panel Layout options
    - Disable panels entirely
    - Animated Markers
    - Back to Top Arrow icon added to panels
    - Marker ToolTips
    - Rounded borders for panels

    Premium Floor Plans v 1.2

    Whats New in 1.2 :

    - HTML tags can now be added in the Panel Descriptions. 

    Premium Floor Plans v 1.1

    Whats New in 1.1 :

    - jQuery.parse error fixed in administation system 
  • 3D Version Viewer – Canvasio3D (Add-ons)

    3D Version Viewer – Canvasio3D (Add-ons)

    You design new products?
    Are you a 3D Modeler or Engineer?
    You offer 3D printings or Models?

    Canvasio3D displays 3D-Graphic with WebGL in WordPress*
    • Ease of use through text commands in WordPress editor
    • 3D graphics upload with the WordPress Media Manager
    • 3D-Formats: .stl / Three- .js / .obj & .mtl / .dae
    • Up to 50 3D object windows in a page.
    • With easyObjects: “Box”, “Ball”, “Panel”, “Octa”, and “Torus”.
    • Now Responsive and with Touch Screen function.

    *Since March 2011, WebGL is supported by Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox Web browser, and is enabled by default in browser prerelease versions of Safari and Opera. WebGL requires a 3D hardware acceleration (3D graphics card / 3D chip). Source: Wikipedia

  • WordPress Certainly Importer (Add-ons)

    WordPress Certainly Importer (Add-ons)

    Make your own Jobsite

    Have you ever thought of creating a Jobsite, which posts jobs according to your own needs and where you do not have to send the visitors to some other sites, so you can post your own ads and make full money for yourself?

    If yes, then you have just purchased the right plugin for your own Jobsite.

    WP Indeed Importer is a plugin, which imports the jobs from We support,,,,, at this moment. You can use the settings screen to select the source of your job imports.

    Settings Panel –

    How it Works –

    1. Scraping Source – Choose where you want the jobs to come from like,,,,,

    2. Post Ads – When you want Ads to be posted, it works easy and supports cron, not some rocket science here.

    3. Post by – Which username you want to post the jobs, create multiple users by user panel in wordpress, place the usernames here and plugin will rotate them while posting multiple jobs.

    4. Category – You can write 1 specific name of category on which you want the job posts to appear. So, If I am presently scraping for Marketing, I mentioned “Marketing” in the panel and searched jobs for this keyword, posted them and it all goes to Marketing category.

    Search Panel –

    As you can see, the plugin return with Title, Link, Job Title, Company, Location, Summary fields and allows you to do multiple selections and post the jobs.

    More Modifications to come, suggestions Invited.

  • Templatera – Template Supervisor for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Templatera – Template Supervisor for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Templatera is powerful template manager for Visual Composer, it allows you to create, manage and set control access to your templates based on user roles or page post types.

    Ever wanted to take your designed templates to another site? Now you can. Import/export templates in few clicks.

    New “Templatera” content element allows you to place pre-build templates as an independent blocks on your pages. When you modify your template, all pages that use “Templatera” block will be populated with new content automatically. Awesome!

    Create set of content blocks (pieces) and use them at any place of your site. Forget about back and forth page updating – it is all taken care of. Magically!

    Real World Example

    Lets say you created block with contact details eg. Phone, Address, Email, Contact Form and used that block in multiple locations (pages) across your site, then you decided to change Phone or Email address. All you have to do is edit your original template and all “Templatera” blocks will be updated at the very same moment! So your new contact details will be updated automatically across your site.

    List of Features

    • “Templatera” content element – create template “piece”, place it on multiple pages and when you will update that “piece” it will be updated across all pages where it was used! You will never go back after using this block
    • New post type ‘vc_template’ which allows you to add/edit/delete your templates with native and familiar WordPress UI
    • Automatic migration of existing visual composer templates – no extra setup required
    • Templates access control by user roles
    • Templates access controls by content types
    • Import/Export templates in XML format – take your custom templates with you
    • Bonus: 15 CSS Themes for built in content elements – give a fresh look to your site

    What Users are Saying?

    “Just to say that this is a fantastic addition to an already excellent plugin. This add-on has allowed me to now edit and save an individual VC content element (not the entire template which is different) that is repeated on many of my pages in one easy stroke, by simply creating a Templatera template. Before I had to edit the repeated VC element multiple times for each page. This was just what I needed.” – John

    For the best experience we added “vc_template” content type

    Use familiar WordPress UI while working on your sites templates accessible right on your fingertips from WordPress menu. No need to learn new interface or tools.


    All your existing saved templates will be automatically migrated upon plugin activation. No setup required.

    “Templatera” content element

    With [templatera] content element you can insert pre-build template part to any page area and the best part is that, when you will update your template, all “Templatera” content elements will be populated with new content automatically!

    Access control

    Some templates should be available only for specific user roles. No problem! Now you can control which user roles have access to particular template. Or lets say, you want particular template to be available only for posts or only for pages? No problem!


    Starting new website and would like to take your saved templates with you? Simply export your templates and import them to your new website with built in import option. Easy!

    FREE Bonus: 15 Fresh CSS Themes

    To refresh your website we have prepared a set of brand new CSS Themes for built in content elements. Changing the look is only 2 click away. Blink-blink!


    12.09.2013 - ver 1.0.2
       - XML Import: String "Imported" removed
    05.08.2013 - ver 1.0.1
       - Update for WP 3.6
  • Non Wp Exit PopUp (Add-ons)

    Non Wp Exit PopUp (Add-ons)

    Non Wp Exit PopUp is a powerful, inline add-on for ‘Ad Plus List Building PopUp’.

    Requirement: Ad Plus List Building PopUp 2.6 or later

    What is this and how it works?
    This is a powerful add on which allow you to display Exit Js popup on ANY non-wordpress site (read: any site). Simply manage your “exit popup” using wordpress plugin “Ad Plus List Builing PopUp” and display it on limitless area (wordpress, non-wordpress or whatever other platform you are on) using our extra pack “NON WP EXIT POPUP” leading to increase your sales and blog audience MORE than your imagination.

    A. Key Feature

    • 1 click installation
    • Excellent Customer Support (24h)
    • Lifetime free updates

    Update History

    UPDATE 1.2 – 7/19/2013

    Fix 1: Same function name conflict issue. 
    Fix 2: Calling JS while user click on FORM submit button.

    UPDATE 1.1 -7/17/2013

     FIX: JS call while click on link issue.  

    UPDATE 1.0

     - First Release 

    Take a look at our other awesome WordPress plugins

    Stay connected for updates, support and promotions

  • Rcwd Add for Evolved Customized Fields (Add-ons)

    Rcwd Add for Evolved Customized Fields (Add-ons)


    This add-on extends the functionality of the free WordPress plugin Advanced Custom Field.

    Il allows to add a new single file upload field that is external to the WP media core.

    Yes, you will not find the loaded file inside the media manager, also it uses a different folder for every location (page, post, taxonomy, user, options page etc.) and inside any folder all the files are further divided in subfolders by the id ( post id, user id etc.).


    Options for resizing (clientside and serverside)
    Options for filtering the allowed extensions
    Tested with repeater fields and flexible-content fields
    Support for drag&drop
    Support for Frontend form
    It works on every ACF location (page, post, user, options page, category etc.)
    (optional) Hidden file path with the (optional) possibility to treat the file as an attachment (force download)
    Language translation for english and italian

    ACF compatibility

    This add-on will work with:

    • version 4 and up
    • version 3 and below


    You need support for it? no problem! Send me an email at

    No support in comments section. Please use it for presale questions only, thanks :)


    Don’t forget to check the checkbox “Get notified by email if this item is updated” in your Downloads page :)

    To update the plugin: login to CodeCanyon -> Downloads section -> re-download the plugin

    Current version: 1.0.4


    • Fixed styles for jQuery Dialog UI
    • Correct support fot HTTPS (bad WP_CONTENT_URL…bad…)
    • Minor bug fixes


    • improved help file with “how to use”
    • Bug fixes


    • first version