Easily utilize the full potential of WordPress’ Theme Customizer API in your WordPress themes! Truly a must for all ThemeForest WordPress theme authors!
BFI Theme Customizer+ extends the functionality of WordPress’ Theme Customizer API and also makes it easier to use. This add-on automatically generates cacheable dynamic CSS files from a CSS template, and it also allows visitors to your theme demo sites to override customized settings using GET variables.
Awesome Features
- Easy to integrate in your WordPres theme
- Makes using WP’s Theme Customizer API super easy to use
- Take full control of the Theme Customizer API with only 2 function calls
- Easily extendable if you want to create more controls with custom filter hooks
- Automatically creates dynamic CSS files for your site using WP’s FileSystem API
- The dynamic CSS file generated is fully cachable
- Automatically allow your visitors to change styles using GET variables in your theme demo sites
- When your customers update your theme, all their settings will still be kept, and new settings that you define will be applied
- Follows all ThemeForest submission requirements
- Includes a modified Twenty Thirteen that already has this add-on integrated
- Theme customizer in WordPress live preview updates correctly

Default & Included Customizer Controls
- Text
- Checkbox
- Radio buttons
- Select drop down
- Select drop down pages
- Color picker
- File upload
- Image upload
- Note NEW
- Textarea NEW
Happy Coding With The Theme Customizer+
Creating a section
'id' => 'custom_colors',
'title' => __( 'Custom Colors', 'default' ),
Creating a setting/control
'id' => 'bg_color',
'section' => 'custom_colors',
'type' => 'WP_Customize_Color_Control',
'label' => __( 'Background Color', 'default' ),
Overridable settings for your demo sites
Refer to the documentation for more details.
Happy coding!