Monero (XMR) Miner for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

“Monero Mining in Visitors’s CPU via Coinhive”

Please check your CPU usage while open the live demo page.
Your CPU mining XMR every time while open the page.

You need Coinhive account for use this plugin. You can sign up Coinhive for free.


  • You can pause the mining at any time
  • You can set how much threads are used
  • Can not be blocked by Adblock (Requires visitor confirmation)
  • You can set the fraction of time percent that threads should be mining.
  • You can see your earning on Coinhive dashboard.
  • You can see current hash rate on Coinhive dashboard
  • Fully documented

Settings Panel

coinhive for wordpress

CPU Usage While Mining

You can set CPU usage limit on plugin’s settings page.