WP Customized Scrollbar (Miscellaneous)

WordPress custom scrollbar is highly customizable WordPress plugin. Features include vertical and/or horizontal scrollbar(s), adjustable scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel, keyboard and touch support, ready-to-use themes and customization via CSS, RTL direction support more?

You can change almost 100+ demo style, ScrollBar scroll speed, Showing ScrollBar arrow button mode, ScrollBar auto hide mode, ScrollBar auto expand mode, ScrollBar moving mode by keyboard & other settings by using the options and shortcode of this plugin.


  • 100+ scrollbar demo
  • Full page Scrollbar
  • Single Content Scrollbar
  • Vertical and horizontal scrollbar support
  • Highly Customizable
  • Enable TinyMCE Button
  • ScrollBar scroll speed control
  • ScrollBar arrow button mode control
  • ScrollBar auto hide mode
  • ScrollBar auto expand mode
  • ScrollBar moving mode by keyboard
  • Shortcode Powered
  • Translation Ready
  • Responsive for all devices
  • All major browser supported
  • Easy to handle

All Updates

3.0 - 21 Sep 2016
* Make More User Friendly
* Remove All Custom Coding
* Update TinyMce Button
* Some Issues Fiexed

1.0 - 27 Jun 206
* Initial Release


For any help regarding this plugin, please feel free to contact me through my profile page and I?ll be glad to offer support.

If you like this plugin then please don?t forget to rate it. :)

Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Wanderz Blog by Crimson Themes.