Animated Grid Format – Addon For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

A responsive, magazine-like website layout with a grid post animation effect that happens when opening the content.

The responsive posts layout that animate to a larger content area when clicked. Is the great way to add grid posts layout in blogs one page. Also add Ajax functionatily in the comment form in the content area. Adding comment feature on blogs is the great way to allow readers to contribute their opinion about your post. When you submit a comment form in WordPress, then by default it reloads the complete page. But with Animated Grid Layout plugin that added Ajax functionality in the comment form, then no page reloads requires on submitting or updating the comments.


  • Responsive posts layout.
  • Dynamically loaded content, load more posts via AJAX.
  • Makes your WordPress website more efficient. The great way to add grid posts layout in blogs one page.
  • AJAX-ify Your WordPress Comments. Improves the usability of the comment form by validating and adding comments without page reload.
  • It reduce usage of server resource without loading a whole page.
  • Easily configure.
  • Flexible Configuration..
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