This unique WordPress plugin adds a virtual room on your website, where you can work with other users in real
You can chat , share pictures, customize your avatar and show any element of the site in real
There is also a real calendar to organize your meetings, email notifications, allowed users management and
history of the room.
Click here to see a video preview
- A unique virtual room
- Unique design and hilarious graphics
- Real-time chat and actions
- Up to 9 concurrent users
- Useful collaborative tools
- Share pictures using the TV
- Show any element of the website, on any page
- Moderators can kick users and close the door
- Moderators can call any allowed user using the phone. Online users receive a visual notification. Offline users receive immediately an email .
- A calendar to manage your meetings
- Administrators can freely edit the texts of the room, directly from the backend
- History of the past actions
- Easily customize graphics
- Reactive support !
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If you need help, contact me from my envato profile